I have received communication from two Anti - Windmill 'Nimbies' of the Brit Kind moaning that I left their full addresses on a Round Robin Circular below and should not have, fair enough and I have now deleted them but when one of they prattled on about the Information was supposed to be 'Secret' for some very obscure reason other than their 'Big Brit Build Up' to talk away the threat of the 'Windmilling of Wales', I get a touch 'tetchy'. if 'secret' why put in emails and put out on the web which is how I got the information, do they really think that anything is 'Secret' on the web? Please!!! Whatever, I have taken the addresses out but the 'Round Robin' remains, other than that I just got this to say to all Cambro - Brit 'Nimbies' out there, we are running a NATIONALIST CAMPAIGN AND FOR NATIONALISTS REASONS ALL OF WHICH WILL BE CLEARLY FOUND IN OUR CAMPAIGNING BLOGS. Now, even so we have supported many 'Nimby' Campaigns and will continue to do so but will you support us? You did not at recently on 'Stryveland' but you can make up for that by coming aboard our protests against Turbine Convoys to Mynydd y Betws soon? As for your fears about Direct Action being taken, then what is your position re Iolo Williams committing himself to some DA when Turbine Convoys head for Powys?
I am reposting this post to today's date which will allow me to now include these links:
...So I am none too impressed or wish to see Wales reduced to a junior partner in any 'Anglo - British' Set up, we need a Welsh National Platform against the Windmilling of our Country one that seeks to make it a National Issue based on the principles that we oppose the Windmilling of Wales on following basis.
1: Sure the whole Windmill business is a scam by Global 'Green' Capitalists promoted by 'Green Environmental Carpet Baggers.
2: For we in Wales it must be seen also as a matter of exploitation and expropriation of our land and resources by Renewables Robber Barons backed by a quisling puppet Government and councillors and greedy landowners.
3: Other than this there are issues of Desecration of our precious countryside and of our heritage in the Landscape.
Thus we see this matter as a Nationalist Issue which needs to be campaigned on as a Nationalist Struggle by Nationalists working with local Anti - Windmill Community Groups as well as setting up of local independant 'non political' activist Groups, such being:
However, further to the fore in this Welsh National - Nationalist Struggle against the 'New Conquistadores' will be any number of Nationalist Societies that come over to this National Welsh Struggle. How, they go about campaigning is entirely up to they but patriots note there exists another more radical action and this will be the way of RHUO'R DDRAIG.

This is as 'Autonomous Activists' as vanguard radicals against the Renewables Robber Barons, this Vanguard will see it's priority as Radical Protest Action as and when required which will include such as poster campaigns and support of such as the March into the Mountain, 'Save Stryveland Struggle' and not least focus Republican Action against Crown Estate Wind Farms. This will be political and have purpose also of bringing to the fore the matter of Land and Liberty within and around a growing campaign against Cheque Book Conquest.
Note, if all else fails regards the suggested 'March into the Mountains', then Nationalists/Republicans/Socialists I suggest focus on this above Republican Campaign against Renewables Robber Barons. Other that this, note more important that the suggestions in emails below, Nationalists need to give attention to a National Protest of our own with a 'Beltain Bash', in Cardiff on 2 May - AN ALL DAY POSTER PROTEST PICKET with handing out of leaflets to those attending and photographing them to later 'NAME and SHAME'. This is buy far a more patriotic purposefull action that parading around Westminsters with NOW personalities having cups of Tea with politicians.
7 Feb 2012 – Against RenewablesUKcymru with a Mass 'All Wales' National Picket Protest ... RenewableUK Cymru 2012. Conference 2 May 2012, Cardiff ...
Emails Recieved Promoting an 'Anglo - Brit' NOW?
Please forward this email as you see
At the conference in
Our intention is that the political weight and national influence this brings will contribute to the existing activities and achievements already underway. We invite you to add your support to National Opposition to Windfarms (NOW), by going to Www.nowind.org.uk where you can read the charter and click to email your support.
It would be helpful if this initiative is not made public at this stage as we would like to launch it on Thursday 19th April. It would be particularly pleasing if we had gathered a significant number of supporters by then, and this would add considerably to the flavour of the press release and coverage. On that day, groups and individuals throughout the
We believe that this is an exciting step forward that will give us the benefit of national voices and local action and demonstrably clear evidence for our campaign. A further note for your diaries is the 2012 National Conference, again at Nunsmere Hall Cheshire. This year there will be a fundraising dinner on the evening of Sunday 24th June. The price for the day conference on Monday 25th June will remain the same as last year at £25 per person.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
Dear Friends
Great News!!!
With the proliferation of wind turbine
applications all over the UK , the amount
of opposition is growing, and more and more groups forming to fight them.
Following on from the conferences in north Wales and Llandrindod, there have been moves
to take the campaign to the top - I am about to send you three e-mails about
two separate events. For confidentiality, please only forward the info to
people you trust, and don't post any of the info on external sites.
Wednesday 18 April - National Parliamentary
Lobby on Wind Energy - at Westminster , London . one e-mail on how
to register and what will be going on, then an e-mail about accommodation if
you want to stay up there for the following day.
Thursday 19 April - the launch of
National Opposition to Windfarms (NOW), some of you may have had this info from Alison Davies already - they are wanting publicity -
so get the thinking caps on to set up something that the media will cover.
Another Date for the Diary - circulated a few
weeks ago
the 2012 National Conference, again
at Nunsmere Hall Cheshire. This year there will be a fundraising dinner on the
evening of Sunday 24th June. The price for the day conference on Monday 25th
June will remain the same as last year at £25 per person.
I am delighted to confirm that the National
Parliamentary Lobby on Wind Energy will take place on Wednesday 18th April
2012. We have already received enthusiastic expressions of interest from all
around the country. There is no doubt that the Lobby will be a significant
political and media event.
The National Parliamentary Lobby represents a
opportunity for you to bring a group of your fellow constituents right into the Palace of Westminster .
You will be able to exercise your democratic right to meet your MP and to
express your views on the current government policy relating to industrial wind
turbines. Clearly you have the right to do this at any time of year, but we are
seeking to maximise the impact by assembling a large number of people at the
same time and on the same date!
We are keen to open the event up to a widest
possible range of like-minded organisations including the Campaign for
the Protection of Rural England, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
and the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland as well as NAWAG
affiliates and completely independent ‘wind farm action groups’.
The date and time for the National
Parliamentary Lobby event (a Wednesday afternoon) has been carefully
selected because most MP’s will be at the House of Commons to hear Prime
Ministers Questions at noon on that day. Your participation will involve:
1) queuing outside the Cromwell Green
entrance to the House of Commons
2) going through the security screen
3) waiting your turn to go into the ornate
Central Lobby
4) presenting yourself at the Desk and
asking to put in a green form requesting to see your MP
5) if your MP appears either thanking him
or her for signing the recent Letter to Cameron or - if he or she has not
signed - simply making your views known to him/her.
6) If the MP fails to appear, leaving a short
pre-prepared note for them summarising your personal views.
We are also organising a meeting nearby with MPs
and other notable speakers and you will get the chance to find out more about
how Parliament works.
Visiting Parliament is a very simple and
straightforward business – for reassurance please have a look at http://www.parliament.uk/visiting/ .
If you are unsure exactly who your MP is then
please look them up by entering your postcode at: http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/ before taking the steps outlined
If you are interested in bringing a group of
people along please click on the web-link below, enter your contact details and
provide your best estimate of the likely number of attendees. We want to
hear from you as soon as possible please. However, we will not need finalised
attendee figures or names for another couple of weeks. Completing a
registration application does not obligate you or anyone else to take part, it
just ensures that you will receive all the information you will need to take
To apply to register as a ‘Group Co-ordinator’
and bring some fellow constituents along, please follow the link below and
answer the twelve simple questions:
The Privacy Policy on the first page of the
registration process should be self-explanatory. For those of you concerned
about the security of your contact details within Survey Monkey please see: http://www.surveymonkey.net/Monkey_Security.aspx
Further information about the National
Parliamentary Lobbyon Wind Energy will only be circulated to registered ‘Group
Co-ordinators’ and will not be publicised or placed on public websites.
Please bear in mind that lobbying is also an
option open to wind industry employees and businesses. We only want publicity
for the Lobby when there is insufficient time for wind industry lobbyists to
respond. For this reason please do not post this email or the registration link
on external websites. However please pass this email immediately to any
individuals and trusted groups that you know personally, taking care to delete
all the email addresses appended above first.
Kind regards
Adrian Snook
I am delighted to confirm that the National Parliamentary Lobby on Wind Energy will take place on Wednesday 18th
April 2012. We have already received enthusiastic expressions of interest from
all around the country. There is no doubt that the Lobby will be a significant
political and media event.
The National Parliamentary Lobby represents a opportunity for you
to bring a group of your fellow constituents right into the Palace of Westminster .
You will be able to exercise your democratic right to meet your MP and to
express your views on the current government policy relating to industrial wind
turbines. Clearly you have the right to do this at any time of year, but we are
seeking to maximise the impact by assembling a large number of people at the
same time and on the same date!
We are keen to open the event up to a widest possible range of
like-minded organisations including the Campaign for the Protection of
Rural England, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales and the
Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland as well as NAWAG affiliates
and completely independent ‘wind farm action groups’.
The date and time for the National Parliamentary Lobby event
(a Wednesday afternoon) has been carefully selected because most MP’s will be
at the House of Commons to hear Prime Ministers Questions at noon on that
day. Your participation will involve:
1) queuing outside the Cromwell Green entrance to the House
of Commons
2) going through the security screen
3) waiting your turn to go into the ornate Central Lobby
4) presenting yourself at the Desk and asking to put in a
green form requesting to see your MP
5) if your MP appears either thanking him or her for signing
the recent Letter to Cameron or - if he or she has not signed - simply making
your views known to him/her.
6) If the MP fails to appear, leaving a short pre-prepared note
for them summarising your personal views.
We are also organising a meeting nearby with MPs and other notable
speakers and you will get the chance to find out more about how Parliament
Visiting Parliament is a very simple and straightforward business
– for reassurance please have a look at http://www.parliament.uk/visiting/ .
If you are unsure exactly who your MP is then please look them up by entering your postcode at: http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/ before taking the steps outlined
If you are interested in bringing a group of people along please
click on the web-link below, enter your contact details and provide your best
estimate of the likely number of attendees. We want to hear from you as
soon as possible please. However, we will not need finalised attendee figures
or names for another couple of weeks. Completing a registration applicationdoes
not obligate you or anyone else to take part, it just ensures that you will
receive all the information you will need to take part.
To apply to register as a ‘Group Co-ordinator’ and bring some
fellow constituents along, please follow the link below and answer the twelve
simple questions:
The Privacy Policy on the first page of the registration process
should be self-explanatory. For those of you concerned about the security of
your contact details within Survey Monkey please see: http://www.surveymonkey.net/Monkey_Security.aspx
Further information about the National
Parliamentary Lobby on
Wind Energy will only be
circulated to registered ‘Group Co-ordinators’ and will not be publicised or
placed on public websites.
Please bear in mind that lobbying is also an option open to wind industry employees and businesses. We only want publicity for the Lobby when there is insufficient time for wind industry lobbyists to respond. For this reason please do not post this email or the registration link on external websites. However please pass this email immediately to any individuals and trusted groups that you know personally, taking care to delete all the email addresses appended above first.
Kind regards
Adrian Snook
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then
you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
YMGYRCH TREFTADAETH CENEDLAETHOL CYMRU. Continuing the Cymric Consciouness Campaigning of Cofiwn in Defence of our ...ymgyrchtreftadaeth.blogspot.com/