But! But! But!
I need Help, Individual and Group Support plus essential to get organised the back up Committees, Platforms and Groups I have suggested in haste and do not wait on me to get such done. Use Self Initiative and also be 'Autonomous Activists' in various areas of local protest work. I have enough to do over on Cymru'n Codi 2012 blog regards the Occupation of Mynydd Y Betws, others could 'Safwn Y Bwlch' regards Plaid Cymru Spring Conference Activity, Easter Initiative Mountain Rambles, the 'Beltain Bash'. Plus sorting out a NATIONAL MOVEMENT, PLATFORM and CAMPAIGN also not least the suggested 'STRYVELAND' - HOMELAND DEFENCE MOVEMENT, much required if the struggle is to contine for as long as needs be to win final VICTORY!.

Adfywiadwr Gethin Gruffydd.